Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Thing #15

I read all of the articles about wikis. I hadn't really thought about wikipedia as being the world's largest wiki but I guess that makes sense. I did create a wiki for Agnew.It is called "agnews". I haven't really decided what all I want to put on it yet,but I am in the process of doing some serious pondering on the subject! Debbie did give me one good suggestion so I will give her credit for this. At the end of the year, I could post a list of all of the students who still have books out. This would be a wiki that only I could edit but the teachers could accesss it every day and let the students know who had books still out. I would update every day so it would stay current. I thought this was a great idea. I think you could also use the wiki for book reviews on the Lone Stars or on book club books. Students love use the computer so I am sure they would enjoy writing or adding to reviews on a wiki.

1 comment:

Midnight said...

I want to borrow Debbie's idea about using a wiki for a list of who still needs to return a book. I think that is a much better idea than having to nag the teachers everyday.