Friday, November 30, 2007

Thing # 9

I lookled at all of the tools that were suggested and found the Google Blog Search and Edublogs Award winners were the easiest to use. I didn't particularly like I really liked a blog I found called A Library by any Other Name through Edublogs Award winners. I have never noticed the RSS symbols on pages until we started this lesson. It is really interesting to see how many sites that are in my favorites have RSS feeds.I added the Dallas Morning News and New Releases to my reader and I also(like MT Shelf) added If you haven't tried this site, you need to!


Farm Boy said...
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Farm Boy said...
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Farm Boy said...

spersI also liked Google Reader the bestout of the list.I found to hard for me to use.I gave my wife the recipe site, but she has not had the time to try it out.

Debbie said...

It is amazing after you learn a new "thing" how often you begin to hear or read about it. I remember after creating my avatar, I heard about avatars all the time.