Monday, October 22, 2007

Thing #1 and Thing #2

Well, I have to admit that when I woke up this morning and it was coming a flood, I was not too excited about driving acros I 30 to learn about Web 2.0. (Especially since I didn't have any idea what Web 2.0 even meant!) But after our introuduction and reading 23 Things, I have a much better idea. I have to admit that when it comes to learning new technology I am sometimes very hesitate. I don't have a lot of confidence in myself. Hopefully, these lessons that we are going to be completing will help me to become more technology literate and have more confidence when students and teachers ask for my help with technology.

One of the hardest goals for me is to have confidence in myself. I do get frustrated and think that I can't do things that I am not familar with. I need to just remember that I am going to learn through making mistakes and then just have fun! I have to remind myself that I am "not too old to learn".

The easiest goal for me will be to play. Once I learn how to do something I really do love to play around with it. For example, once I became confident with creating and maintaining our library website, I really enjoy woking on it.


mmw said...

Don't be so hard on yourself - of course you can learn new things! Giving yourself permission to make mistakes and learn by playing will help a lot. You're doing great - keep it up!

Bookmaid said...

I've been reading a number of the postings today, and surprisingly, almost everyone is saying that the hardest habit is to be confident in our abilities as learners.